During the 1930s, the Mercedes-Benz racing transporters certainly did their bit. They contributed to the success of the Silver Arrows by bringing the cars to the Grand Prix racetracks and acting as...
Since Robert William Thomson patented the first pneumatic tyre in 1845, technicians have been hard at work to come up with machines to make the job of changing tyres easier. By Jenny Baker.
The British Government’s 25 million pound sterling ultra low carbon vehicle demonstrator scheme, which aims to accelerate a shift towards low-emissions motoring, will pave the way for the creation of...
While the new car market remains depressed and the used car market lifted only slightly in April some franchise dealerships and independent service centre are reporting an increase in the amount of...
Selling genuine OEM parts through the Internet has paid dividends for Honda New Zealand with a 60 percent increase in Internet sales recorded in the last 18 months.
Working with an electronic rather than a manual system to quote, bill, and receive payment from customers can impact positively on a workshop’s cash flow. By Jenny Baker.
Being an auto electrician is an increasingly demanding job. Auto sparkies are in many instances the first port of call for cars "on the blink" - and besides diagnostics they also have to be able to...
Among an ever-expanding array of fascinating and exciting cars and exhibits being lined up for Speedshow ‘09, the unique Kiwi-developed Synergy V8 race engine will be a star attraction.
The investment in the all-new Highbrook parts distribution centre (PDC) has already paid dividends for BMW Group New Zealand. The Highbrook PDC has just been presented with the 2008 BMW Group Silver...
Brake parts procurement for standard passenger vehicles is usually not a problem, as a host of suppliers can provide brake components for everyday destination to destination drivers.
An oxygen sensor detects the amount of oxygen in the exhaust gas and sends a signal to the engine computer (ECM), which adjusts the air/fuel mixture to the optimal level. Too much oxygen in the...
Modern engine oils face a tough job, but auto technicians face an ever tougher job when deciding which engine oil to pick from the vast array on offer.
The latest phase in the evolution of personal urban transport has recently arrived on New Zealand soil, the all-electric Mitsubishi iMiEV MMNZ technical services manager Lloyd Robinson gave Motor...
Since establishing Bay Nissan in 1991 the Farmer Motor Group Limited has grown to become one of the most successful multiple franchise dealerships in the Bay of Plenty region, which is now known at...
Big business is screwing the little guy and it could cost lives! That is the view of Collision Repair Association (CRA) general manager Neil Pritchard. Over recent years the industry has seen...
Ford Motor Company is leading the development of a virtual paint simulation tool called EPD (Electro-coat Paint Deposition) that helps ensure vehicle body panels are adequately coated with electro-...
The introduction by AA Insurance of a new approved repairer agreement that allows only a five per cent margin on new parts has not been welcome news to the collision repair industry.