The number and types of vehicle hoists on the market has ballooned in recent years, so it has become highly important for buyers to make the right choice for their workshop. The wrong decision may...
Our main feature this month is lighting, and we have a look at what the future has to hold. Will it be laser or LED? We examine the latest trends in both these technologies.
So petrol has topped the $3 a litre mark, but still the three ruling factions in government are fighting it out to see how much more they can take out of the lolly shop they seem to think the...
Bosch has turned the whole anti-diesel debate on its head with news that it has developed technology which cuts NOx emissions to a tenth of the levels required by 2020 legislation...
When two new Kiwis battled to find people who could fix their cars, they decided to create an app, that would make it easier to find automotive service providers...
New standards have been introduced by the country’s largest body of panelbeaters to cope with increasing numbers of EV’s, hybrids and vehicles equipped...
So we have a quandary for the Government. A countrywide fuel tax hike has been proposed – 10c a litre has been mentioned – ostensibly to upgrade rural road...