Bendix launches brake pad identifier app

Bendix launches brake pad identifier app

Workshop Equipment

Following 18 months of intense development working closely with researchers at Australia’s Victoria University and software developers, Bendix has launched a new app to assist mechanics in workshops to determine the correct brake pad for the job.

Where the original app required the input of image data and additional specifications, the advanced new app requires just a photograph of the brake pad and returns a result with the replacement part number and technical data within seconds.

The university development team supervised by associate professor Daniel Lai conducted an initial analysis of the previous software programme launched by Bendix and determined areas in which improvements could be made.

Development was done on a PC before the image recognition engine was ported to Android and iPhone platforms, an aspect in the development process which was particularly difficult due to the subtle difference between smartphone cameras.

The core of the app revolves around a newly developed algorithm based on a very advanced and innovative extraction technique aimed at minimising processing time and the amount of data stored.

The optimised core recognition engine written in Java can be deployed on a smart device or cloud based server. The new algorithm can process an image in seconds (depending on the internet connection speeds) with an accuracy of better than 95 percent, recognising more than 2,000 different Bendix brake pads.

The university team also worked with software developer Invision during the integration phase to ensure a smooth transition whenever updates are made in the future.

Fast, accurate and easy to use, the new app requires the original brake pad to be placed onto a clean white surface. Holding the phone above the brake pad so that it is aligned and centre of the viewing area just take a photograph and within seconds the image will select the replacement part number along with other brake pad information.

“This breakthrough technology is a first for Australia and is available now for downloading,” said Bendix Australia marketing manager Ian Bott. “It’s even more accurate and faster than the original award winning app launched in 2014, saving valuable time in workshops throughout Australia,” he said.

To download or update the Bendix Brake Pad Identifier app using an Android or Smartphone, log onto Google Play and search for the “Bendix Brake Pad Identifier”, select and install. When using an iPhone, select the App store Icon, search for ‘Bendix Brake Pad Identifier’, select “Free” to install, and thenew or updated app will be available in seconds.

For further information on the ground breaking technology visit is external) or contact your Bendix representative.

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