The organic friction material used in the EV-Hybrid disc brake pads comprise of a range of ingredients including synthetic glass fibres, aramid fibres and natural organic fibres as the main reinfor
Now the devastating climate events of January and February are starting to move into the rear-view mirror it might be time for owners and managers to sit down and think about having some plans in p
The T.33 Spider from Gordon Murray Automotive combines the beautiful, timeless design of the T.33 with an even more immersive and engaging driving experience.
Bendix is now better resourced to meet the aftermarket braking needs of two of Australia’s best-selling cars, the 2.0L petrol variant of Toyota Corolla from 2018 onwards, and the late model Yaris C
A-Gas, the global market leader in the supply and lifecycle management of refrigerants and associated products, has expanded its operations into New Zealand.
A project to restore the first-generation Crown started in the spring of 2022 at the Motomachi Plant, bringing together a diverse group of skilled members.
Generational speed: Robbie Stokes/Dave Neill won the opening round of the 2023 Mainland Rally Championship, held on the first of the two-day Otago Rally, on Saturday. Stokes is the son of New Zeal
Traditionally providing consumers with information on car safety, Euro NCAP has announced that the safety organisation will expand its scope even further to provide detailed safety information abou
Clutch Industries’ research and development division has a future thinking philosophy and has been proactively approaching the challenge of how to ensure workshops have immediate access to the part
Increased energy prices are one of the rising costs for businesses. Using LED lighting can be cost-effective and power-efficient solution that will help with rising costs.
Over 6,200 vehicle claims were lodged with State, AMI and NZI, largely for flooded cars, as a result of the North Island flooding and Cyclone Gabrielle wreaking havoc across the North Island. Arou
When I first started driving, most cars had three or four gears in a manual gearbox (Larger six and V8 engined cars being three and smaller four-cylinder cars four typically).