Alemlube is awesome!

Alemlube is awesome!

Workshop Equipment

Zahid and Zubin might have a new business in Best Deal Tyres & Motors in Onehunga, but they knew what they wanted in terms of equipment when they set up shop five weeks ago.

Zaid had worked for three years at another tyre business that had Alemlube gear, so he knew and respected the equipment. His comment was, “Awesome machines backed by great people and service.”

He particularly likes working with the Alemlube 8CCD Aligner (Model AAWA8CCD), this is wireless (Bluetooth from measuring heads to unit and infra-red between the heads) and has a large 24-inch display. He said it is
very quick and easy to use compared to other equipment
he has operated.

The Alemlube U-6631A tyre changer with helper arm can fit up to 24-inch tyres, making tyre fitting a cinch.
This is backed up with an Alemlube wheel balancer.

A pair of Alemlube hoists allow wheel aligning and under car work – a four post 4500kg wheel alignment hoist and a two-post floor base 4000kg hoist. 

Whilst it is early days for the new business Zaid and Zubin are happy with their decision to specify the Alemlube equipment that is helping make the day to day work easier.

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