4WD Servicing is a different beast

4WD Servicing is a different beast


To be fair, we are talking here about 4WDs that actually earn their keep and get driven off-road with some regularity and we are not counting the grass verge outside the daycare as off-road!

These vehicles will require more regular servicing and repairs than those vehicles primarily driven on-road. The more off-road the use and the more the vehicle has been modified the more repairs will be needed – which is great for you as the workshop owner!

Off-road use puts much more stress and strain onto many parts of the vehicle than normal driving, more modified vehicles are likely to be used in more extreme terrain and environments adding extra wear and tear.

Environments may comprise of water (river crossings, mud holes, beaches), mud, dust, sand, and corrosive materials such as salt water and some industrial environments. All of these cause much higher potential wear on suspension, transmission and engine components, deeper water can also damage brakes, differentials and gearboxes plus some parts of the electrical system. With a lot of slow speed but high load running cooling systems are also put under pressure and need to be kept in top condition or even be upgraded.

The terrain is likely to be bumpy, which gives suspension and steering components a much harder workout than normal and if the vehicle has larger wheels and tyres there can be extra leverage on suspension and steering components.

From the workshops point of view the underbody of the vehicle may be quite dirty making repairs less pleasant and inspection more challenging. A good underbody clean before servicing may be advisable.

Some areas to pay particular attention would be all suspension joints and bushes as these usually wear much faster than normal and are exposed to external damage. Steering systems for wear and external damage, brakes for contamination and quicker wear, exhaust systems for external damage and transmissions for any obvious noise/issues.

Air and oil filters will usually need more regular changing – especially if used in dusty conditions such as back country roads. Look carefully for any engine fluid leaks as the pummelling from cross country driving can open up joints. Check the cooling system carefully, if used in muddy conditions it is possible that radiator and automatic transmission coolers may get mud blockage between the radiator fins that may require radiator removal and cleaning.

If you decide to specialise in 4WD servicing there are a number of NZ suppliers from whom you could source a range of accessories to sell as an adjunct to your business making 4WD servicing an even more profitable activity for your business.


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