The first volume produced engines to be equipped with a multifunctional thermostat are the 1.8L and 2.0L TFSI engines from the VW-Group (four-cylinder in-line engine EA888 Gen.3).
Designed by Adrian Newey and Red Bull Advanced Technologies, the RB17 builds on the 20 years of innovation in Formula One that has resulted in Oracle Red Bull Racing winning six Constructors’ title
Most motorists take their brake pads for granted and are happy to let their mechanic or service centre fit the replacement components they recommend without any consultation.
Daimler Truck is pursuing a vision of zero emissions and increased road safety by combining the two most promising technologies to deliver on that vision – battery electric drive and integrated aut
When towing, travelling long distances, or driving in extreme conditions, your vehicles engine is working at maximum capacity and is at risk of overheating if it hasn’t been fitted with a cooling s
Adrienne Begbie, Managing Director of Prospa NZ, discusses the impact of the recession on small businesses in New Zealand and offers practical strategies for navigating these challenging times.
The supply of hybrid vehicles in the New Zealand market is on a steady rise, as at the end of May 2024 there are 300,000 hybrid vehicles on road in NZ.
Cool-Safe is increasing Bounty Buy-Back payments from $25.00/kg to $40.00/kg for recovered synthetic refrigerants to help meet their target of 90 percent reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from