Yes, be proactive!

Yes, be proactive!

Yes, be proactive!
Ed Speak

Well, finally the leaves are starting to fall, and although winter is a way off yet, now’s the time to start looking at how you are going to attract custom when people are more interested in hunkering down, keeping warm, and dreaming about their summer holidays.

Winter does, of course, bring with it a large share of motorists’ woes, especially starting problems, but if you think ahead you can help prevent this by getting your customers in for an all-round check, particularly of the starter and battery, check lights, wipers, shocks and suspension, as well, of course, the tyres.

Kiwis love bargains, so a well thought-out special offer which includes all of the above, at good pricing, may well tick a few boxes, especially for those who are unable or unwilling to do it themselves, which these days is a large proportion of the motoring public.

Certainly with daylight saving behind us, the nights are drawing in, and before long many people will be driving to and from work in the dark, and more often than not in the rain. With an ageing car parc in New Zealand it’s essential car basics are kept in good working order; faulty windscreen wipers can cause an accident just as easily as poor brakes and worn tyres, and if you can’t see or be seen because your car’s lights aren’t right, well, say no more.


One thing that’s been brought home to me over these past few weeks of hectic weather and flooding, slips and road closures, is just how inadequate many of our roads are, especially with regard to stabilisation.

There seems to be no provision for the damage caused by heavy trucks on narrow winding roads, especially at the coast, and the consequence of this is that after the heavy vibrations from multiple laden wheels and massive diesel engines has loosened rocks and the roots of large trees, a huge downpour quickly washes away the soil around them and they come tumbling onto the road.

The miracle of it all is that there haven’t been any reports of motorists being crushed or swept off the road, but unless something is done it’s just a matter of time.

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