OEX automotive air conditioning industry training

OEX automotive air conditioning industry training


OEX are running a series of air conditioning training courses in 2023, these will be conducted by Grant Hand, who is considered to be one of Australasia’s leading trainers for climate control systems.

Grant has been chief training and technical adviser to VASA since its inception. With the input of a technical committee, Grant wrote the now famous RTP, the Registered Technicians Program for VASA, which has become the bible of the industry. He also drafted the first Code of Practice on VASAs behalf, and as a result of this work, he assured that VASA received due credit from the Australian Government for its part in the Codes preparation.

There are three specific courses offered all being eight hour – one day courses.

Basic Course – Fundamentals Of Automotive Air Conditioning
This is a crucial course for all automotive technicians; whether you are new to the industry, or just haven’t had the opportunity to undertake comprehensive system pressure/temperature diagnostic training before. With the large variation of systems currently on the market, gauge recognition alone can no longer be relied upon to analyse charge rates, or perform system diagnostics.

Advanced Diagnostic Course – Analysis Of Automotive Air Conditioning Systems
This course is an extension of the basic fundamentals course. It covers full diagnostic techniques for all automotive and air conditioning systems currently fitted to road vehicles.

This is an essential course for anybody involved in the service and repair of automotive air conditioning systems. Comprehensive diagnostic manuals are provided which will specifically address TX valve, expansion (orifice) tube systems and variable displacement compressors. This course also utilises a considerable amount of supervised practical and group work.

Earthmoving and Agricultural Air Conditioning Systems
This course is dedicated to the diagnosis and evaluation of mobile air conditioning systems that are used in off-road applications. These systems are in many cases different from ‘ordinary’ automotive systems, as they can often suffer from pressure drops, flow restrictions, incorrect pipe sizing and/or poor design, that limit the capacity especially in high humidity conditions. In this course we specifically address diagnostic procedures, pressure/temperature analysis, performance evaluation, capacity and efficiency analysis.

You may have systems that lack performance, or that suffer from low capacity that you cannot repair without a component replacement/modification.

Courses are held at the Waipuna Hotel & Conference Centre in Mt Wellington, Auckland.

Fundamentals Of Automotive Air Conditioning, Saturday 23rd September

Fundamentals Of Automotive Air Conditioning, Sunday 24th September

Analysis Of Automotive Air Conditioning Systems, Monday 25th September

Earthmoving and Agricultural Air Conditioning Systems, Tuesday 26th September

For more information or to book OEX Air Conditioning Industry Training courses please contact Paul Findlater on pfindlater@gpcasiapac.com or call 027 264 0486.

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