Motor Equipment News December 2017 is OUT NOW

Motor Equipment News December 2017 is OUT NOW

Ed Speak

Going gangbusters

What a year this has been for the New Zealand motor industry. Just when we thought things might start to slow down, they actually speeded up, and as I write we’re on the way to yet another record in new car sales.

At the same time used car imports are continuing apace, and although traditionally the bigger of the two tallies, there are definitely signs that new cars are catching up with used imports.

All of this means good news for the repair and service sector, with the extra vehicles hitting the road ostensibly making up for losses incurred due to the Warrant of Fitness changes of 2014. 

Those three years have seen some changes in our industry, but the doomsayers haven’t had their way this time, and it seems to have been of benefit to both workshops and the general public.

One challenge facing all of us, one way or the other, is the push to get as many electric vehicles onto our roads. It’s almost a religious-like fervour for some people, but let’s hope there are enough right-minded people to ensure we don’t push too far, too fast, and perhaps find ourselves a bridge too far!

All that said, it’s been a great old year for us at Motor Equipment News, and we’re continuing apace as we move towards a new year.

I know the whole team is looking forward to a good break and a bit of a rest, and at the same time I know they will join me in wishing all our readers and our advertisers a really great Christmas break and a happy new year.

Oh, and if you fancy spending time in the bright lights, make sure you get a sober driver, bus, taxi or uber to get you home if you’ve had a drink or two – otherwise those bright lights may well turn into blue ones, and we don’t want that, do we?

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