Cool-Swap helps alleviate cylinder shortage

Cool-Swap helps alleviate cylinder shortage


Refrigerant recovery cylinders have been in short supply over the past 12-24 months, and Cool-Swap is our initiative to help alleviate some of that supply squeeze and give more people access to the cylinders they need for responsible recovery.

Cool-Swap is a refrigerant reclaim cylinder exchange service where you can request a non-flammable empty reclaim cylinder to use, which you can fill and return to us. There are no costs to use this service providing the bottle is returned with refrigerant every six months, so it really is a great opportunity to catch more recovered refrigerant.

Cool-Swap runs alongside our current Cool-Safe Bounty Buy-Back programme, so you can still return your company-owned reclaim cylinders. Both programmes are eligible for a payment of $25+GST per KG of refrigerant, which means that thanks to Cool-Swap, our Bounty Buy-Back programme is more accessible than ever.

You’ll be able to access the Cool-Swap webpage from anywhere when you use our Cool-Swap QR codes.

You’ll see the Cool-Swap QR code on every one of our bottles, so you can always check in to keep up to date, access the page if you want to register, and read our full terms and conditions.

Simply scan the QR code with your phone camera, and you’ll be redirected there to see any new developments, changes to the programme, or any other news and updates.

We hope to see Cool-Swap knock down some of the barriers to responsible refrigerant recovery and extend access to our Bounty Buy-Back programme to as many people as possible. 

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