Cool-Safe builds on the previous RECOVERY Trust work

Cool-Safe builds on the previous RECOVERY Trust work


Nearly 150 representatives from across the refrigerants industry joined the team from The Trust for the Destruction of Synthetic Refrigerants at their recent roadshows which launched their rebranded product stewardship scheme ‘Cool-Safe’.

Held in Christchurch, Auckland and Wellington, the team from the Trust introduced the Cool-Safe brand and approach, which focuses on supporting industry to reduce the harm of synthetic refrigerant release to the atmosphere more easily, effectively, and smartly.

Cool-Safe builds on the work of the former RECOVERY voluntary stewardship scheme, with an initial focus on supporting:

•    Easier collection of synthetic refrigerants.
•    Cash rewards for refrigerant collection and destruction.
•    The development of an accreditation and certification scheme for technicians working with refrigerants.

Representatives from the Ministry for the Environment were also on hand to outline their refrigerants policy and introduce their consultation on reducing the environmental impact of fluorinated gases (also known as F-gases and synthetic refrigerants). That consultation closes on 18 December 2022.

Find out more information about Cool-Safe at their website:
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Read the Ministry for the Environment consultation and share your feedback:

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