Being Genuine

Being Genuine

Ed Speak

This month we have a feature on OEM (manufacturer) parts. There are a variety of reasons to choose genuine parts, especially for newer vehicles. You can be certain they will restore the vehicle to manufacturer specification and avoid any risk around counterfeit parts which appear from time to time in the marketplace. You also know they will fit first time, which can save time, and for some parts OEM is the only real option. Delivery is pretty slick as well and we can see why when we look at the investment manufacturers like Holden have made (covered in this issue). With the increasing technology in new vehicles there are also a lot more proprietary parts – that you will only ever be able to get from the manufacturer such as the various computer modules electronics 

They have also stepped up in terms of having reasonable pricing for the more consumable (and competitive) parts significantly reducing the premium that used to exist.

Having said that, there is also a place for aftermarket and recycled parts in the market, especially for but not exclusively for older vehicles. These may have a more local supplier or allow a one-stop shop for a workshop dealing with a variety of makes and models and with recycled parts you are truly replacing like with like in terms of the parts age – especially where the failure is from external damage rather than wear and tear and with less commonly replaced parts recycled may be the only available right now option..

It is very much horses for courses, but it is good to be aware that the OEM’s have definitely stepped up to the plate in terms of their distribution and pricing models. We had a recent situation with one of our vehicles where some significant parts were needed, recycled were not readily available, and when they were the cost was not that dissimilar to OEM, so we elected to run with the OEM parts.

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