34 workshops have increased their profitability with this

34 workshops have increased their profitability with this


“The Eurotune proposition is ideal for existing workshops where quality and trusted service is part of the package.”

OK, you got my attention, because that’s my workshop to a T. Now, what is Eurotune – as if I couldn’t guess.

Well, you think you might know, but the Eurotune name only gives a few clues as to the services offered. The Eurotune services are not just for European vehicles, but Japanese, Korean, Chinese and American marques also.  

Eurotune is about safe, reliable performance upgrades and tuning solutions, whether that be for increased power, better economy, or torque management. These are the obvious upgrades which most would associate with ECU and TCU tuning.
Then there are the not so obvious services such as providing solutions for emission devices such as Diesel Particulate Filters (DPF) Exhaust Gas Recirculation units (EGR), AdBlue (SCR), Catalytic Converters (CAT), Nitrogen Oxide Sensors (NOx) and even things like Swirl Flaps.

“To really be called a national service provider,” explains Eurotune CEO and founder Richard Fleming, “you need to have about 65 outlets in not only the major centres, but outlying towns as well.  

Eurotune wants a few good dealers – well, 30 or so good dealers in fact, and it wants them in places like Kaitaia, Wellsford, Dargaville, Otorohanga, Matamata, Te Puke, Waiouru, Paraparaumu, Wanganui, Wellington, Dunedin and Invercargill to name a few.

You’ll note we haven’t mentioned Auckland, and while Eurotune still needs a few more good dealers in the country’s largest city, Richard wants to ensure they have a Eurotune dealer within 20 minutes’ drive, anywhere in the nation to provide real convenience for consumers.

“And right now,” says Richard “we are actively looking for Mechanical Workshops, Auto Electricians and Service Providers who want  to increase their net profitability.”

Are we on the right page yet?

Eurotune products and services unleash power, torque, engine response, improve fuel economy, and provide a wide range of emission solutions in a safe, reliable and professional manner.

“Eurotune is not a fly-by-night operation where tune up kits and ECU patch files are sold on-line, out of a dodgy warehouse or out of the back of a van,” explains Richard.

“The services we provide cover what every vehicle owner wants in terms of upgraded performance, economy, efficiency, and those services are sold via our dealers trusted workshops to give consumers peace of mind and reassurance.”  

The range of Eurotune products and services is vast and covers Cars, Utes, 4x4’s, Vans, Trucks, Motorhomes, Diggers, Bulldozers, Off Road and Forestry vehicles.

“Our dealers have access to professional tuning solutions, developed on a New Zealand dyno on a wide range of vehicles using fuel from New Zealand and taking into account local Kiwi climate conditions. That’s not something every other tuning solution provider can do or genuinely offer.”

As a Eurotune specialist dealer, you receive a full marketing package including signage, posters, flyers, personalised social media posts, local and national marketing campaigns, and of course training.

This holistic package makes it simple and easy for dealers to market the Eurotune services to their existing and new customers. The start-up investment is modest with some of the equipment needed like a Power Supply and Diagnostic tool most likely already in place at your workshop…and the best news is there is no inventory  to buy or hold – simply pay for what you need as you go on each job.

But don’t just take our word for it, or even Richard’s. We asked Matt McBride of Glen Eden Auto Electrical what being a Eurotune dealer has done for his business:

“We’ve been a Eurotune dealer in this shop for 20 months now. We’ve done countless tunes and never had a come back or failure, which I reckon says huge amounts for the quality of the comprehensive service menu.

“The biggest attraction for me was the confidence that comes with everything Eurotune offers. If a customer comes to us and we can offer a Eurotune service for their needs, I’m comfortable the customer will be happy with our work, will likely be back for more.

“We do a lot of commercial vehicle work as well as consumer vehicles -  our diesel and petrol tuning puts smiles on customers faces, with our emission solutions saving customers thousands of dollars. Their positive recommendations helps us build our client base.

“As well, there is the satisfaction of being able to give a vehicle back that is better than when it came in unleashing its full potential – the way the vehicle should really have come from the factory”    

And speaking of full potential, this is exactly what Eurotune wants to see from its dealers – is that your shop?

You can find out more about Eurotune – and how to become a Eurotune dealer – at the website. www.eurotune.co.nz

Well? What are you waiting for? That’s the best invitation to improve your workshop’s profitability you’ll get all month!

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