Getting rid of an Audi A3 rattle

Getting rid of an Audi A3 rattle

Getting rid of an Audi A3 rattle

New Zealand’s leading technical information provider, Autodata share fixes to common problems found in modern motor vehicles. Visit to learn more about Autodata’s innovative online workshop tools.

This month’s problem: Audi A3 rattling noise from rear of vehicle when driving over rough roads


We are having trouble finding the source of a rattling noise from the rear of a 2012 Audi A3 when driving over rough roads. We have heard the rattling noise on road test and also when manoeuvring forwards and backwards in the workshop. However, with the car on the ramp we cannot find the cause of the noise. Have any other A3 owners reported this rattling noise?


Yes, other A3 owners have reported this noise and it affects A3 (8VA/8V1) models up to 2013. The noise is due to unsatisfactory design of the brake caliper upper guide sleeve and the inner brake pad anti-rattle spring.

Using a repair kit available from the Audi parts department, replace the brake caliper upper guide sleeve and the inner brake pad anti-rattle spring (see figure 1.1 and figure 1.2). Repeat the procedure for the opposite side. Carry out road test after the repair to ensure the noise has been eliminated.


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