NZ business secures iconic US product

NZ business secures iconic US product

NZ business secures iconic US product

By Sophea Manzl on behalf of Auto Agencies

Sealwel, the popular and unique cooling system conditioner, is a product that has been perfected in America over the last 75 years. Now to continue the legend, New Zealand family business  Auto Agencies  recently trumped America when it became the owner of the iconic product.

David Jennings has been in the automotive business for more than 30 years and has been running Auto Agencies with his wife, Cheryl, and family, for the last 10 years. They have been selling Sealwel Cubes for a long time and knowing how excellent it is, they are now manufacture the product exclusively in New Zealand. Not only are they making the product on home soil, but they are exporting it to other countries, including back to America!

Sealwel is a cooling system conditioner that does more than just sealing. The unique formula also cleans, lubricates, and acts as a preventative throughout the whole cooling system, not just in radiators.

Sold in New Zealand in cube form, it will soon also be available as a powder. Sealwel is safe, user friendly, preventative, economical, reliable, and has been proven for more than 70 years. 

David says that one thing his customers always comment on is how pleased they are to have a sealing conditioner that always works, and can be used with all coolants and anti-freeze products. Unlike many other products that cause gasket and seal issues when mixed together, there’s no more having to empty out your anti-freeze first! David and Cheryl have had a lot of positive feedback over the years, especially from long-term users.

“We have used Sealwel cubes for many years in every engine we rebuild, as insurance against leaks. It works,” says one user.

“Actually does what you say it does! Saved me heaps in repair costs just for pennies,” says another.

You can go directly to Auto Agencies to purchase Sealwel or find it at all good automotive suppliers around New Zealand.

Auto Agencies also represents a number of other quality proven products such as genuine Jubilee hose clips, Facet engine management, ignition and thermostats, Warren and Brown torque wrenches, to name a few.

Look them up at or
Contact Auto Agencies at or phone 03 3137709.


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