Auckland store is Repco’s biggest

Auckland store is Repco’s biggest


Auto parts specialists Repcohas openedits new Auto Centre on Auckland’s North Shore.

The new concept store, at 79 Wairau Road, is on the same 1,000 sq m site as the original Repco North Shore where it has been located since 1999.Thebuilding has been refurbished to increase store capacity and range,with more than 23,000 parts available over the counter –and access to approximately 450,000 automotive parts in total.

Repco opened its first Auto Centre in Lower Hutt three months ago with runaway success,and now brings the concept to Auckland,offering extended ranges in automotive parts, tools and equipment, and industry-leading ranges in car connectivity and technology.

The one-stop shop also includes newinteractive touchscreens which allows customers to search for tips on things such as changing wiper blades, doing body repairs, and filters.

The official opening wason Saturday, November8, withlocal rugby stars TonyWoodcock and Anthony Boric attending, and there wasalso a free BBQ, giveaways and door-buster deals.

Repco New Zealand executive general manager Mark Brunton said the North Shore Auto Centre is an exciting new initiative and a real positive for the local area.

“The Auto Centre services both retail DIY and trade customers – making it aone stopautomotive Centre,”he said.

Branch manager Rob Bayer said the store is a true automotive destination,offering themost extensive auto parts range in the country.

“If by chance our customers can’t findwhat they need here,our team will get it for them.And with the interactive touch screens customers now have more tools than ever to learn how to do it themselves.”

Repco is New Zealand’s largest reseller and supplier of automotive parts and accessories, and has 81 stores across thecountry.


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