BNT – for engine management components and parts you can trust

BNT – for engine management components and parts you can trust


You know why your customers come to your workshop, don’t you? Oh yes, certainly because you have good rates, you give good service, your location is convenient, your work is always on time. But there is one that’s missing.

The missing piece? Trust.
Your customers trust you because you have earned their confidence, sourcing quality parts from reputable suppliers like the BNT network for example.
BNT has an enviable reputation for excellence which you, as the workshop, have come to trust as well, and with good reason.

A trusted supplier to the New Zealand automotive industry for over 60 years, BNT continues to provide an extensive range of products to service New Zealand’s diverse automotive marketplace.

To this end, BNT has built relationships with carefully selected partners, able to supply the specialist wholesale business network – regarded as industry leaders in their specialist product categories – with quality engine management and service components, among others.

One such partner is the Premier Auto Trade network out of Australia, a leading importer of quality, original equipment electronic fuel injection and engine management components.
This is a rapidly changing and dynamic sector of the automotive industry and to continue its reputation and – by extension, that of BNT’ s – the Premier Auto Trade network has aligned itself with brands such as: Delphi, Bosch, Pierburg and Denso as well as Continental, Walker Products, Walbro, NTK, Hitachi, Bremi, TE Automotive, Hella, Airtex, Intermotor, FAE, TI Automotive and Valeo.

Now, you might be thinking this all sounds well and good, but are these guys the real deal or just order takers and stock suppliers? To answer that, let’s see what Premier Auto Trade – and BNT by extension – can tell us about oh, Exhaust Gas Temperature Sensors (EGT) for example.

EGT sensors protect components installed in the flow of hot exhaust gases in both petrol and diesel engines. They use a resistor to determine changes in the temperature of the exhaust gases which allows the engine computer to monitor that everything is operating in the range where it should.

With a modern vehicle there maybe any number of EGT sensors on-board, controlling a diverse number of processes; particulate filter regeneration, selective catalytic reduction, exhaust gas recirculation, turbo boost and overall engine combustion.

The EGT then, is essential when it comes to effectively reducing emissions and protecting components from overheating. Should an overheat situation occur, the EGT might signal the vehicle’s cooling electronic control unit (ECU) which could engage temperature reducing measures, like activating the limp home function.

Alright, that covers off cars powered by internal combustion engines, is BNT geared up for electric vehicles? The short answer is ‘yes’ and here is another example of BNT keeping up with advanced technology, welcome to an introductory course in Pulse Width Modulation:
Pulse Width Modulation provides efficient and variable control of an electrical component. Like ABS which rapidly engages and disengages brakes, pulse width modulation switches power supply voltage to a component on and off very quickly. This means the average voltage to that component can be varied.

Take the example of an IC engine’s mechanical water pump. The pump is driven whenever the engine is running, adding load to the engine regardless of whether or not the engine needs cooling.

Change the mechanical pump to an electric one and include a PWM control system. This controls engine temperature by controlling the speed of the pump and the pump can be turned off whenever cooling is not required.

PWM is also used to control a demand-based fuel supply which thereby increases efficiency, reducing power consumption and fuel use. A regulated fuel delivery system pumps in a pre-determined amount of fuel with subsequent wastage.   

Other applications of PWM controls include electronic throttle bodies, electric trailer brakes, interior and exterior lights, EGR’s and others besides.

And PWM also provides control technology which crosses over from ICE to EVs. One example is the application of PWM to control the battery temperature and keep it at its optimum and thus increase the battery’s maximum efficiency.

From all of the above, it is easy to see that BNT can supply your trusted workshop with reputable engine management components and parts.

Within the national network of 60 branches, there is the knowledge and experience to ensure your workshop maintains its reputation working with BNT, just as BNT has retained its reputation, through valuable and resilient partnerships.

Technical information sourced from Premier Auto Trade.

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