Summer’s here; stay cool. BNT is here to help

Summer’s here; stay cool. BNT is here to help


As a workshop, you know what your customer’s vehicles are going to go through over the next few months: sitting in queues which can easily be miles long creeping along with the air conditioning roaring away only occasionally drowning out the cries of “are we there yet?’’

And as a workshop you know that under the bonnet, there’s a hefty block of iron and aluminium constantly under attack by little gremlins armed with flamethrowers and ice cannons fighting a never-ending battle of hot/cold/hot/cold until eventually, something goes ‘ping’ – often expensively.

A discerning workshop then, had best be prepared for a hot rush on coolant products – with a little help from your local BNT branch.

As specialist suppliers to the automotive trade here, BNT has sourced an all-encompassing range of vehicle cooling components and consumables, suited to Asian models, European marques and American makes of vehicle.

Now, we did say all-encompassing…that means more than just radiators, right?

Absolutely, though to be clear, BNT does carry the Fenix radiator range – mostly because it is so diverse and proven in terms of its reliability.

As mentioned, there will be a Fenix radiator for pretty much every make and model you can find in New Zealand – a market regarded as the most diverse in the world by the way, which makes carrying something for everyone quite a trick.

BNT does it though, just as it carries radiator overflow and expansion tanks from Dayco. Overflow tanks or recovery tanks recover the coolant that escapes past the pressure cap due to rising pressure and temperature.

An expansion tank is more complex as it is always under pressure, allowing coolant to be cycled and pushed back through the system.

A discoloured or brittle tank is a good indicator that the cooling system needs attention.

Critical to an effective coolant system is of course, the humble radiator cap and thermostat and BNT supplies these from the world famous Tridon brand.

World famous? That’s a bit rich, isn’t it? Nope. Tridon is – ok, we’ll let them have it – an Australian company with operations there, here and in the UK.

The company’s automotive product ranges are sold to our domestic markets in New Zealand and Australia and manufactured products are exported to Japan, North America, Asia, the Middle East and South Africa – so, world famous? More than L&P apparently.

A crucial element of a vehicle cooling system which the average Joe customer may have heard about – but has seldom seen – is the water pump.

If you, as the workshop, have a customer in need of a reliable water pump, call your BNT branch because the brand of choice from the professional suppliers to the trade, is GMB.

 GMB water pumps are designed to work with OE coolant flow rate and pressure, built with high-quality GMB bearings, tested for durability and bearing noise, built to exact OEM dimensions and 100 per cent factory tested for leakage. Hmm, maybe that’s why BNT carry them.

And how could BNT say the coolant catalogue is complete without referencing coolant itself? Radtech uses Organic Acid Technology in its products, which provides a longer service interval than traditional inhibitors and there are different Radtech coolants for different applications – your BNT branch will ensure the right Radtech product for you and your customers.

In addition to the above, BNT branches are staffed by a national team of experts, with a wealth of collective knowledge and expertise to answer those curly questions about the quality products they supply, and more besides.

Before summer gets into full swing, make sure you have everything your workshop needs to keep your customer’s cars cool with OEM specific products from your local BNT branch or visit the BNT Trade supporter website.   

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