New to Automaster Equipment

New to Automaster Equipment


Over the last 10 years the guys at Automaster Equipment have learned that not every customer has the exact same set of requirements. In other words there is no one-size-fits-all solution.

“We know that some businesses will always want the highest quality. Some want quality solutions, but at a reasonable price. And others will simply want the lowest priced equipment on offer.

“By understanding the requirements of our customers businesses, we can help them to find the best value product, not just in terms of up-front price, but also on-going operating costs, return on investment, and product performance,” says Gary Cotterell director of Automaster Equipment.

So with this in mind Automaster Equipment is continually looking for opportunities to expand its range when the wright products become available.

<bld xhed>Powerrex Korea

Automaster Equipment is now the factory-appointed New Zealand distributor for the genuine Korean manufactured range of Powerrex vehicle hoists.

The new management of Powerrex has been tasked to increase sales and international exports of their vehicle lifts. As part of their long term growth plan they have returned all manufacturing back to their Korean plant, so they can completely control all aspects of production from start to finish, ensuring consistent top quality lifts are delivered to their dealers.

Although this increases the production costs a little, it reduces aftersales costs, improves dealer confidence and long-term reliability of the lifts, which in turn will ensure repeat business from the end users.

The starting stock range consists of two post clear floor hoists, with manual lever lock release and a choice of the extra low arm design with 4x4 adapters, or the ratchet up foot design. Included is the popular SL-3600A four post wheel alignment hoist, supplied with twin jacking beams and a full six-button remote control. These lifts are tested and certified to Australian/NZ electrical and safety standards.

“With Powerrex having an great reputation for quality and performance, we instantly knew this was going to be another fantastic option for our customers,” says Gary.

<bld xhed>Carman Diagnostic

Also from Korea, the Carman Scan Auto-i700 is a world-class diagnostic scanner with a high resolution colour touch screen running a Windows O/S. It is a rugged shop-tough tablet style vehicle tester, covering a vast range of vehicle systems, with excellent in-depth diagnostic capabilities.

The Auto-i700 tool builds on 25 years of Carman Scan heritage and is claimed to be the best Asian tester on the market that also covers, European, American and Australian vehicles, and now also with Asian 24V truck and bus applications.

The amazingly quick operating system and in-depth functionality makes the new Carman Auto-i700 a serious player in the professional diagnostic market.

The kit includes the basic kit plus the Australia pack containing a carry case, power supply cables and battery charges, OBDII connector as well as a vast range of plugs and cables to suit Asian and Australian vehicles, plus three years of software updates for $5,695 plus GST, or from $38 per week.

Automaster Equipment says it works to ensure that it can provide a range of quality products at a variety of price points. The full range consists of vehicle hoists from Peak, Automaster, Atom and Powerrex plus tyre changers, wheel balancers and aligners from Automaster Pro Series and Corghi.

View the website, phone 0800 214 604 or email for further information.

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