Keeping it cool

Keeping it cool


Total Oil New Zealand recommends Total Coolelf and Glacelf with the advantages this coolant range offers,it  weighs up heavily against traditional coolants. The application of these coolants means our customers will save money (up to five times the longevity!) and downtime, thanks to its outstanding components.

What is a coolant?
The primary function of a coolant is to act as an agent of heat transfer. It is circulated through the engine where it absorbs excess heat energy, to the radiator where that heat is dissipated before repeating the process. Another important function of the product is to act as an anti-freeze agent and Total Coolelf and Glacelf.
 It consists of three components:
• Water.
• Mono ethylene glycol (or similar).
• An inhibitor.
The third main component of a coolant is the inhibitor. Generally constituting 3 - 8 percent of the coolant, the inhibitor is simply there to protect the cooling system from corrosion and degradation. Inhibitors can be classified as either traditional or the organic variant, OAT (Organic Acid Technology).
An organic coolant can perform for up to five times longer than a traditional coolant. It has greater capacity for heat transfer, will extend the life of water pumps and has an improved degree of compatibility with elastomers, plastics and seals found in modern cooling systems. Using an organic inhibitor offers better oxidation stability, reduces scaling and depositing and provides superior protection.

Better for components, better for nature
The handling and disposal of coolant has long been an issue in automotive and industrial trades. While ethylene glycol will break down naturally within a few weeks in a natural environment, up until that point it is considered toxic to plants and animals. An estimated 25 - 50 percent of all coolant is disposed of improperly, at risk to both humans and the environment.
An organic inhibitor needs to be changed less often, greatly reducing the need for handling and disposal. Due to the superior protective nature of organic inhibitors in relation to metal, used organic coolant contains far lower levels of heavy metals, and is therefore much easier to recycle and repurpose.

Ready for the future
Most OEMs are now recommending organic instead of traditional coolants be used in their equipment. Simultaneously, global environmental regulation shows organic inhibitor technology is the future. 
For more information about our Total organic longer life coolants, contact your local Total Oil New Zealand team.   

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