Expansion, acquisition and recognition for Injectronics

Expansion, acquisition and recognition for Injectronics


Injectronics powers into 2022 with our new office opening in Auckland, the acquisition of the hybrid battery re-build company in Australia, and industry recognition at the Australian Automotive Aftermarket Association Awards.
Injectronics is a preferred repairer of electronic and mechatronic components in Australasia and under the broader GUD umbrella, sits alongside well-respected brands such as Narva, Ryco and AA Gasket.

The successful setup of our new Auckland office, with thanks to Expansion Manager David Lance, officially opened in March 2022. The development provides our growing customer base with local access to our wide range of repair and remanufactured solutions, plus our leading technical support service.
Closely following the expansion, on April 1st the company completed the acquisition of Hybrid Battery Rebuild (HBR). Adding the technology and assets of HBR to the established Injectronics hybrid program in Australia, expanding capabilities and product offerings in this fast-growing space, being able to test, service and re-build, as well as supply new aftermarket batteries.

Injectronics was then recognised among the Automotive Aftermarket industry, picking up the award for the Most Innovative New Aftermarket Product (Electrical) at this year’s Automotive Aftermarket Exhibition.
With the latest acquisition, expansion into New Zealand and recognition of this important product range, Injectronics and the IM Group continue to drive solutions for our automotive aftermarket industry.
Injectronics service a range of transportation forms including rail, marine and heavy industrial in both Australia and New Zealand.

The company is ISO certified and its services for the electronics and mechatronics industry include:  
Testing, repair and remanufacturing of electronics and mechatronics components
• Warranty validation services.
• Warranty recall solutions.
• Root cause analytics.
• Mechatronics test equipment design and manufacturing.
• Manufacturing and remanufacturing for end-of-life or obsolete products and components  
• Software modification and updates.
• PCB design and assembly.

With technology such as the unique ‘Virtual Automotive Simulator’, which provides pin-by-pin testing and program checking. Designed by Injectronics in-house engineers, this technology enables Injectronics to test auto components, while maintaining the vehicle’s original coding, security and programming information.  
Injectronics’ new facility is located at 19 Bell Avenue, Mount Wellington, Auckland. Visit
www.injectronics.co.nz to find products, technical information and resources, including common faults and items requiring testing. You can also register your repair at www.injectronics.co.nz/register-a-repair. To speak to a friendly team member, call 0800 536 547.

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