Autorama trade show kicks off from 10th November

Autorama trade show kicks off from 10th November


Autorama 2023 is set to be one of the biggest automotive trade and car shows in New Zealand this year. It’s taking place from 10–12 November at Mystery Creek Events Centre in Hamilton. The event will bring together auto trade businesses, car owners, and car enthusiasts from all over the country.

The sponsors, Pro-Builders and the other trade exhibits that supply the machinery, tools and parts to the automotive sector have identified the value of participating in the business and branding opportunity Autorama provides. The event is designed to demonstrate and celebrate the significance of the automotive industry to the special interest vehicle sector.

The team at Autorama is inviting everyone in the automotive sector to get involved and join the fun. The event aims to celebrate the people who have been the backbone of car projects and have been part of the journey: the businesses that sold the tools, rebuilt the transmission, and sold the specialised machines and workshop equipment. These are the unsung heroes of the car industry.

The show will feature exhibits, cars on display, and other attractions that will help car enthusiasts make important purchasing decisions that will help shape their projects. The Autorama team reviewed car show statistics and expect around 40 percent of show attendees will be looking to buy tools and 30 percent will be considering switching up their wheels or tyres in the next 12 months. Showgoers will be spoiled for choice if these goods are on their shopping lists.

The Pro-Builders hall is full! Rods By Reid, GMS Hot Rods, Body Mods, Real Rides, Full Noise Restorations, Custom Street Rides and The Toy Shed are all locked, loaded and engaged. The builders are bringing between two and four current and past projects with them. Three builders will be unveiling new cars at Autorama. After that, the Autorama team will unveil the next four new cars! The Grand National Rod & Custom Show is held in conjunction with Autorama and you can see these pro-built cars and many fantastic home-built cars at the show.

Business owners and managers are invited to attend Autorama on Friday 10th November as VIP guests. Witness the unveiling of the new hot rods, custom cars, muscle cars and restorations. Attend a light lunch and hear the key note speaker. Rick Love (ex SEMA ambassador and Hall of Fame inductee) will be talking about the value of an aligned industry group particularly around having a unified voice as challenges arise for the special interest vehicle (SIV) industry sector. Contact for tickets.

Please contact the Autorama team at for more information.

Come and celebrate your industry, the cars, and the people at Autorama 2023. The Autorama team would love to see you there!

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