Agricultural tyres available from YHI

Agricultural tyres available from YHI















YHI (New Zealand) Ltd is now the exclusive New Zealand distributor for Malhotra agricultural tyres. A range of Malhotra’s Implement & Trailer, Flotation, Front Tractor Rib, Telehandler and Military/Soft Terrain tyres are now available from YHI’s six branches nationwide.

India produces some of the world’s best agricultural tyres and Malhotra Rubbers Ltd is one of India’s foremost agricultural tyre manufacturers.

Established in 1954, Malhotra has a rich history of supply to both the Indian and export markets, and their its are currently sold in North America, Europe including the United Kingdom, Asia, Africa and Australasia.

Quality is paramount at Malhotra and the company’s manufacturing facilities hold ISO 9001 accreditation. Because of this dedication to quality Malhotra is an OE supplier to a number of agricultural equipment makers.

Product development is a huge focus for Malhotra – the expansive range is constantly growing to keep abreast of market demands.

View the full range of Malhotra tyres on YHI’s website or contact agricultural product manager Mark Mackaness on 021 625 674 for more information on becoming a Malhotra Tyre retailer.

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